Monday, April 15, 2013

I am not sure if I have posted this poem on my blog yet but I think not. I wrote it a while ago. My parents didn't like it.  For some odd reason, they didn't understand it. I think it is pretty simple to understand. Please DO NOT comment and say you don't understand it. And no, it is not in the future or on a different planet.
Anyway here it is:


It is midnight

Yet not what it is meant to be

Even as I close my eyes

So tightly

Light penetrates them

It is winter

But not the winter that it was before

Not cold

Not cold at all

Warm like a summer day

I am separated from the earth

By a barrier created by humanity

I experience

A different life than my ancestors

A life without pain

A life without truth

Is this how it should be?

I sometimes wonder

Or is what I am living

Not life at all